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Three French Hens

Three French Hens


Artist Lei-Mai has painted Three French Hens in her signature tongue-in-cheek style. The Snowman proudly bears a number three on his chest in the colours of the French flag and stands against a bright orange background; a cheerful pop of colour against a grey winter sky. Three chic hens wearing berets peek out from beneath falling snow. You can almost hear them squawking ‘Oui!’



Lei-Mai Lemaow


Lei-Mai Lemaow

3. Three French Hens

Meet Lei-Mai Lemaow

Lei-Mai is an artist and designer from Liverpool, living in Manchester. With a background in graffiti and street wear, and a love for lettering and illustration, her work is an unapologetic mixture of modern styles and traditional techniques. Running her own brand and pushing her practice as a painter, she is rapidly becoming a force to be reckoned with.


Lei-Mai Lemaow

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Walking with the Snowman

Walking with the Snowman